Scott serves as the provost at The Bible Seminary in Katy (Houston), Texas and as the Director of Excavations for the Associates for Biblical Research at Khirbet el-Maqatir and Shiloh, Israel. Scott is a sought after speaker at churches, conferences, and seminars.
The Trowel And The Truth Vol. 2
“Dr. Stripling’s clearly written and well-illustrated book will help readers see the biblical past with new eyes and understand the biblical text with new insight. I welcome its appearance in a new and updated edition. The Trowel and the Truth deserves to be widely read. Those who read it will be enriched.”
The Power of Covenant in Times of Crisis
What has the 21st century learned from experiences like 9/11 or the COVID-19 pandemic?
In times of crisis, preconceptions about life are thrown into doubt. What might have been dismissed as an interesting but obscure “life hack” might suddenly take on urgency and necessity for survival.
In times past, life was understood through the lens of covenant, a concept that has largely fallen off the radar of modern society. History clearly shows that God interacted with man in ancient times through covenants. But is that still how he views humanity today? Does God still covenant?
Drs. Ralph Peil and Scott Stripling contend that God still uses the ancient device of covenant to offer amazing and life-changing levels of blessing, protection and provision. When everything else around is in ruin and chaos, covenant relationship with God is a lifeline.
This book is a beautifully-written explanation of the Biblical understandings of covenant. It is also moving personal testimonies by two men whose combined wisdom and insight are a rare treasure.